Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Week 9 Thing 23

Final Thoughts......

I am empowered! Months ago when I considered joining this program I was hesitant to jump on the techno bandwagon. After much consideration, I decided WHY NOT? thus this blog was created. What a difference 9 weeks can make. Before I took on this task, I was ignorant to the massive amount of information at my fingertips. Now I have an avatar, podcasts, pictures on my Flick account and new friends. This program has renewed my ambition to continue with higher learning. There is so much more out there that I need to conquer. I look forward to continuing my blog and investigating new technology. I would be interested in participating in other programs as they become available.

I thank everyone who helped, inspired and shared their visions with me.........

It's been a great ride.....................

Week 9 Thing 22

Hello All,
Today I discovered NetLibrary. NetLibrary is a source for downloading audiobooks. I opened an account ( very simple to do ) . NetLibrary has a catalog of over 100,000 titles available to purchase. They are affiliated with a variety of publishers which enables them to offer an array of material on any subject. I would suggest giving it a try at . You will be surprised at the amount of evergrowing knowledge available at your fingertips..........

Enjoy your day.................

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Week 9 Thing 21

Hello All,

I have been looking into the world of podcasts. Podcasts are little audio or video blurbs on just about any subject you can imagine. I chose to look into book review podcats. I found Yahoo to be most useful in searching out this mini reviews. I found a site which had a variety of informative reviews. I listened to the podcast about the book The Lovely Bones. I had recently read the novel and agreed with the reviewer's opinion. These podcasts are relevant to library systems in that you can find lots of great information to share with others. Take some time to look into it...............

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Week 9 Thing 20

Good Afternoon fellow bloggers,

I have discovered YOUTUBE and I don't care for it. I do not see any use for this site. It just seems to feed on America's fascination with other people's lives. Maybe I didn't navigate through enough videos, but I became bored rather quickly. I would much rather spend my time reading a good book than watching other people's ideas of entertainment. Call me old -fashioned but YOUTUBE has no place in my life...........................

Monday, August 13, 2007

Week 8 Thing 19

To all my blogger buddies,

I just explored a web site called It is a web site designed to assist you in searching for everything from restaurants to night life to public services. You can inquire about any place in the United States. I looked at restaurants in Baltimore. You can choose from those within walking distance to those more than 20 miles away. There were many styles of restaurants. Everything from BBQ to Himalayan. This site is eqipped with a map center so that you can find your favorite places. It also allows you to post and view reviews of interest to you. I see this as a valuable tool to find popular and not so popular venues to explore.....................
Week 8 Thing 18

Hello Friends,

I just discovered What a great tool. You can create all sorts of documents. I created a small hello message just to get my feet wet. I can see a true value in this web site. I will be utilizing it in the future.

Hang in there bloggers......................

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Week 7 Thing 17

Hello Friends,

I have created my sandbox wiki. You can see for yourself at the Learning 2.0 Sandbox wiki. It's all there under KIM'S PICKS. Go ahead if you're interested in my favorite books and movies. There are plenty more. It's just hard to think of all of them. Explore and enjoy. Until next time....

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Week 7 Thing 16

Hello Bloggers,

A wiki is is a web site designed by a group of people to share knowledge and information. It is a flexible space, free and open. It is not well organized , as some would like. A wiki is Hawaiian for quick. It is a fast way to obtain information. Wikis are a collaborative effort and are constantly changing. I think it would serve well in libraies where change is imminent. I found an interesting BookWiki. There were many different book reviews to enjoy. You are welcome to edit and comment on each, if you so desire. . You can wiki information about books, pets, current events or historical locations. The path of knowledge is neverending...............
Week 6 Thing 15

What does Library 2.0 and the future of libraries mean to me?????
I have been coming to the library since I could walk. I have always loved the atmophere of the place. To be surrounded by so many books and to be able to enjoy them has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. When I started at the library a year ago, I noticed how much the world had changed and I knew the library, as I knew it, would have to change as well. I think allowing people to participate in library services is a innovative idea. There is much to be learned on both sides of the coin. In working at the library, I myself have had the opportunity to learn a lot from the patrons I interact with. I think the library needs to recognize how much we all have to offer and utilize our collective knowledge to it's benefit. I would love to be able to have unlimited web resources, as well as, a great cup of coffee available whenever I need it. So hears to the libraries of the future...............May we all be a part of it.
Week 6 Thing 14

Hello All,
I just did a tour of Technorati. Lots of information at the tips of your fingers. There are links to blogs, video and a variety of information. The various tags allow you to find what you're looking for even faster than a web search. I enjoyed several videos. I also gots some great ideas from reading other peoples blogs. Technorati is well worth checking out.
Week 6 thing 1

Hello Blog Friends,

I was a little confused about this exercise. After hearing the tutorial about, I decided to look it over. The web site is a very good source of information.There were a lot of different tags used to locate information in a timely manner. I think this site is very useful to anyone looking for or to share information.